Tuesday, February 10, 2009

St. Jerome Feast Day! Feb 8, 2009

Celebration of St. Jerome Feast


Gov. Sally A. Lee came to join us celebrating the Feast day of St. Jerome
Mrs. Elsa MaeMartinez , one of our Foster parents was the 2nd Reader

Ms. Miggie of Jardin de Maria sung the Responsorial Psalm


February is one of the most celebrated month of the year for the Somascan Community because February 8 is the Feast Day of St. Jerome Emiliani, the Universal Patron of the Orphans and Needy Youth and the Founder of the Religious Clerics of Somasca. 

In our community we have had Novena Masses in preparation for the Feast Day, It was  held daily  in Casa Miani chapel which started 0n Jan 30 until February 7, 2009. We would like to thank the following sponsors who have joined us. 

JANUARY 30, 2009

Day 1-Friday

 Aemilianum College Inc. Grade School Department , Mrs. Helen Yuson,  Mr. Ed Chua, Ms. Sarah Reyes, Friends of St. Jerome (FSJ) Mrs. Linda Rañola Ms. Elsa Ampeloquio Ms.Jing Pareja, Ms. Norma Derla Ms. Weng Añonuevo, Mr. Senen Dicen,  Mr. Buenaobra,  Ms Aida Regala & Mrs Cenen Corcuera                                                       

       JANUARY 31, 2009

Day 2-Saturday

 Mr. & Mrs. Domasig,Mr. & Mrs. Logronio, Mr. & Mrs. Bausa, Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Jacob, Mr. Ryan Remolacio, Mr. Ronald Dipad, Mr. & Mrs. Dolot, Mr. & Mrs Grutas & Mrs. Dominguiano,Mrs Doñina 

February 1, 2009

Day 3-Sunday

Ms. Liza Enorme, Mrs. Lutgarda EscalanteMr. & Mrs. Leo Villareal,Mr. & Mrs. Dante Bonos & Mrs. Milagros Bermillo, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfredo Bontigao, ACSAT OJT Group II c/o Ms. Maureen Villanueva

 February 2, 2009

Day 4-Monday

Casa Miani Staff & Family, Ms. Michelina Carpio & Mrs. Nelia Dalanon

February 3, 2009

Day 5-Tuesday


Mr. & Mrs. Jose Dealca, Mr. & Mrs.Lemuel Mendiola, Mr. & Mrs. Rannie Forcadela Mr. & Mrs. Migo Dealca, Dr. Rochello & Mrs. Tess Gonzalgo

February 4, 2009

Day 6-Wednesday

Dr. Richelda Hermo, Dr. Liduvina Dorion, Dr. Bruce & Dr. Esther Elizabeth Recidoro,

February 5, 2009

Day 7-Thursday

Foster Parents

Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Alindogan, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Abay, Mr. & Mrs. Tobias Domo,  Mr. Mrs.Pacifico Fortin, Mrs. Arlene Malazarte

February 6, 2009

Day 8-Friday

  Mrs. Jennilyn Caturla,Mrs. Marian Suzie Carranza, Mr.  & Mrs. Renato & Annie Gacias

Mr. & Mrs. Everesto Relativo, Mr. Jaime R. Jimenez, Mrs. Reyes


February 7, 2009

Day 9-Saturday

  Somascan Sisters & Jardin de Maria


February 8


Solemnity of St. JEROME EMILIANI


 Benefactors Day

 Mrs. Rowena Fortes,

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Leonardo Martinez

Gov. Sally A. Lee & Family

Engr. & Mrs. Rico Jimenez

Ms. Cindy Huenda

Grade V & VI Confirmation Day -ACI Chapel, Feb 6,2009

Boys 1st Communion Feb 8, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Blessing of Casa Miani " Arvedi Buschini" & Somascan Seminary in Cebu

 St. Jerome  Statue
The generous couple , Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni Arved, do the cutting of the Ribbon
Vox Orphanorum of Casa Miani Arvedi in Dumaguete

Another blessings to the children of Cebu when CASA MIANI " Arvedi Bushchini" was built throught the generosity of Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni & Luciana Arvedi. The official opening and blessing of the residential facility for children & the Seminary  was held on Jan 31, 2009, CASA MIANI " Arvedi Buschini" can be found in Sito Bayong, Cadulawan, Minglanilla, Cebu,Philippines. The Director is Fr. Luigi Brenna.