Monday, February 9, 2009

Blessing of Casa Miani " Arvedi Buschini" & Somascan Seminary in Cebu

 St. Jerome  Statue
The generous couple , Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni Arved, do the cutting of the Ribbon
Vox Orphanorum of Casa Miani Arvedi in Dumaguete

Another blessings to the children of Cebu when CASA MIANI " Arvedi Bushchini" was built throught the generosity of Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni & Luciana Arvedi. The official opening and blessing of the residential facility for children & the Seminary  was held on Jan 31, 2009, CASA MIANI " Arvedi Buschini" can be found in Sito Bayong, Cadulawan, Minglanilla, Cebu,Philippines. The Director is Fr. Luigi Brenna.