Monday, May 31, 2010

Casa Miani Summer Program April 26-may 27, 2010


Vegetable Gardening  is part of the summer program for this year, boys were exposed to gardening, they were in charged of cleaning the garden area, watering and planting. Though the small ones were just making fun out of what they were doing still there was the sincerity of doing the assigned task properly. 

Vegetable gardening for Casa Miani means so much because it it a big help for everyday consumption.


Kids were also involved in charcoal making. Casa Miani is no longer using LPG for cooking, it is so costly that Casa Miani can't afford to buy. 

Joesel ( hired helper) was teaching Ricky the process of charcoal making


wall decors 

Bro. Manuel Enguerra was in charged in the Novelty Item making

KEY HOLDERS - Fr. Don was in charged in making key holders.


Bro Thas was in charged of Rosary & Bracelet making.

HARD BROOM MAKING ( Walis Tingting) Bro.Dexter was assigned in making hard broom out of the coconut  leaves ( the green of the leaves are stripped away leaving the vein (a wooden-like, thin, long strip)

The most vital part of the Summer Program is the Study Time. It is an individual and group tutorials to assess the mental ability of our boys especially the new referred clients. This is also the time to slowly prepare them for their future reintegration in the school. All the brothers and religious staff have their own significant role in teaching our boys. 

Computer Class

Bimbee was given the task to teach basic computer lessons. she handled grade V & VI and high school boys.

The over all in charged of the Summer Program activity is no other than but the Director, Fr. Javier P. San Jose.CRS